
Terri Slaughter, Science Teacher at Scotland County High School, presented a program to the members of the Rotary Club of Scotland County on February 5, 2025. Ms. Slaughter is teaching a Forensics class as a new science elective this school year. Students must be a junior or senior to take the class. Each unit of the curriculum comes with a mock crime scene scenario. The curriculum covers blood spatter and blood typing, fibers & hairs which includes dyeing and burning tests, fingerprints & patterns which includes analyzing, poison testing, DNA structure which includes gel electrophoresis, ballistics which includes bullets and metals, arson & accelerants, death & the human body which includes a section on death investigations and autopsy. At the end of the year, the class will conduct a cumulative crime scene investigation that uses all the skills and branches of science. Ms. Slaughter (photo right) is pictured with local Rotarian Kirk Stott.