Terri Slaughter, Science Teacher at Scotland County High School, presented a program to the members of the Rotary Club of Scotland County on February 5, 2025. Ms. Slaughter is teaching a Forensics class as a new science elective this school year. Students must be a junior or senior to take the class. Each unit of the curriculum comes with a mock crime scene scenario. The curriculum covers blood spatter and blood typing, fibers & hairs which includes dyeing and burning tests, fingerprints & patterns which includes analyzing, poison testing, DNA structure which includes gel electrophoresis, ballistics which includes bullets and metals, arson & accelerants, death & the human body which includes a section on death investigations and autopsy. At the end of the year, the class will conduct a cumulative crime scene investigation that uses all the skills and branches of science. Ms. Slaughter (photo right) is pictured with local Rotarian Kirk Stott.

Terri Slaughter Presents at Scotland County Rotary Club
February 5, 2025